July 2024
July 26, 2024

All Sports Jamaica

"Uniting Jamaica through Sports"

Aiko Jones Shines As Her Team Dominates NCAA Women’s Volleyball

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Head coach Dani Busboom Kelly praised Jones historical performance claiming that as compared to Logan Eggleston, she has not played many games but still managed to outshine many players

Barely a week ago, the University of Louisville marked a historical moment by making it to the final of the NCAA women’s volleyball. Jamaican Aiko Jones stayed firm at the net. Nonetheless, they were not able to secure the title.
The semi-finals, quarterfinals and the round of 16 saw Jones hammering 32 kills in total hence helping Louisville defeat the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Oregon and Baylor University.
At the end of the tournament that went down in Omaha, Nebraska, they lost to the University of Texas 22-25, 14-25, 24-26. An eight-kill effort by Jones and a strong defence in the third set were all to no avail.
All the same, head coach Dani Busboom Kelly praised Jones historical performance claiming that as compared to Logan Eggleston, she has not played many games but still managed to outshine many players.
In 2021, Louisville did not make it past the semi-finals. This year’s semi-final that made the team make it to their debut final was a heated game. Jones’ 12 kills helped Louisville dominate their Atlantic Coast Conference opponents in the five-set match; 25-18, 23-25, 25-22, 22-25, 15-2.
Moreover, Louisville player Claire Chaussee secured 25 kills against Pittsburgh. This was the third encounter between the two teams this season that kicked off at a score level of 1-1. Louisville and Pittsburgh are both champions in the Atlantic Coast Conference.
In the round of 16 match between Louisville and Baylor, Jones secured 8 kills as the former team beat the latter 25-23, 25-16, 25-17. She later made 11 kills in the quarterfinals in which they clobbered Oregon 25-23, 23-25, 13-25, 27-25, 15-6.

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